

Proactive business services

PDD Advisory Group & PDD Wealth Management Disclaimer

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The things we do best

We make great things happen.


We're doing something right


"We see ourselves as business partners with PDD Advisory Group working on a tax effective plan to have us in the best possible position for transition into retirement. Andrew and Josh have been very easy to talk to, and are very prompt to get back to us with any queries we may have or to make suggestions on how we can do things even better."

Kerry & Christine Buttsworth
- Pork Shop & Butchery


"I have been a client of PDD Advisory for over 30 years and over the last 5 years I have been using the services of the team at the Laurieton office. They have provided me with a seamless transition from my previous Accountant upon his retirement from the firm. They have always been available to assist me with any queries or problems I have encountered in my business and SMSF. They are always quick to respond and communicate in an efficient and down to earth manner."

"I have no hesitation in recommending their services to other businesses."

Gordon Bain - Port Tyrepower

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